tiny uneventful monthly update #31

Oh wow, it's another update labeled "General Update or Announcement" that is not any of these things! And it's also a week late, as usual. Once again, no progress has been made, but that doesn't even matter, because GBA Jam 2024, the very cool game jam that I have been helping out with and still am sorta, has ended with 50+ entries being submitted to it, which means 50+ brand new cool GBA games/tools/things of interest for everyone to check out! Stop reading this and go check out those jam entries right now! 

It's incredible and inspiring to see how the GBADev scene has grown since the 2021 jam, aka the event that prompted me to start making actual GBA games instead of sticking exclusively with the very simple animated greeting card-style ROMs I was making for my friends back then. Then again, seeing so many people creating fun, technical, beautiful, playable even, GBA games in three months or less while I'm still struggling to make anything resembling of something for three years does kinda make me want to continue not doing anything as well, I really have nothing interesting and new to bring to the table after all that anyway. Also, because of the recent russian missile strikes, the chaotically scheduled power outages have returned, which means that even if I do still want to continue working on the game, the development process can and will get disrupted very often by unstable electricity and my laptop's super weak battery, and it has been disrupted many times already, as a matter of fact, hence I report no progress here. So yeah, feel free to expect the next couple of devlogs or more with zero progress being reported in them, too :/

...Okay, maybe saying "no progress has been made" can count as an announcement.

Get Advance! [Early Demo] Adventures Of The Math & Logic Club

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