tiny uneventful monthly update #30

No progress (or, rather, negative progress, since I had to scrap some things that didn't work out) has been made this July because of life stuff, and sadly, the life stuff didn't involve anything related to a possible upcoming GBA Jam '24 entry, though I am heavily considering submitting a last-minute something for the sake of incrementing the total number of entries. Would uhhh *checks jam page* 9 days be enough to at least get anything basic done?..

Not particularly related — at some point I was considering releasing AAMLC on ROMhacking.net once the game's completed, but ended up being way too late for that, according to the recent news. Oh well.

This really turned out to be another tiny uneventful update, huh.

Get Advance! [Early Demo] Adventures Of The Math & Logic Club

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