tiny uneventful monthly update #29

In addition to the hurdles briefly mentioned in the previous update, I've also been dealing with chaotically scheduled nationwide power outages, which, even if I can somewhat withstand these with a weak laptop battery and a borrowed power bank thingy, aren't particularly fun and inspiring things to work on video games with. Also, I'll most likely be skipping the next commemorative July 9th devlog post as I only have two days to make something for it and absolutely no ideas on what that something could be (though I can always make something much later when I'm able to). However, there has been a bit of progress on game code that might be worth of a new commit and a highlight in the next monthly update if I ever get more work on that done this month. Nevertheless, thanks to everyone who has been following my barely existing progress on the game for three years now! Although this doesn't do much to motivate me to work, it's always good to know my games are being played (or, uh, downloaded at least) and my devlogs are being read by others no matter the state they currently are at. Wow, it's been three years already *ugly crying sounds*

Once again, here's your reminder to go support indie game developers you like in any way you can, especially financially and while Summer Sales on itch.io and Steam are still ongoing! 

Get Advance! [Early Demo] Adventures Of The Math & Logic Club

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